Line Edit
The line edit is a markup of your manuscript and the last step before you compose your query letter or initiate a final proof: the step you take when you feel confident in your story and are ready to polish your prose. I specialize in heavy line edits, or performing minor rewrites that preserve the integrity of the author’s voice, so if your manuscript needs more of a deep clean, I’ve got you covered. I also have extensive experience working with literature in translation, as well as fiction written in distinct dialects and vernaculars, and a well-honed understanding of when to let things stand — but I’m not one to grant accidental misspellings and stray commas safe harbor either, and I will approach your book with the vigilance of a copyeditor. This service goes beyond a typical line edit and delivers a manuscript that can be sent directly to a proofreader.
Manuscript Critique
You can’t perform what’s typically thought of as a “developmental” or structural edit without evaluating where the book sits in the marketplace, which is why I offer a service that delivers both: a thorough editorial letter that contains a broad-brushstrokes evaluation of your manuscript — along with an assessment of its likely audience, the extent to which your work-in-progress currently satisfies them, and it’s overall readiness for publication — and provides actionable notes on how to elevate your book’s content, structure, characterizations, tone, and style. I’m also happy to provide a more thorough version of this service that offers margin notes on these same topics.
Book Development
Proposal Doctoring
For folks who have an idea but not a manuscript (don’t worry — that’s most of us). I’ll help you figure out what you want to say and create a roadmap for the story you’d like to tell.
Most authors and creatives — even experienced ones — undersell their ideas without even realizing it. How do I know this? Because I’ve guilty of it myself, which is why I consulted with multiple people while writing this website. I’ll help you craft a compelling presentation, situate your book within the marketplace, and ensure you’re making the most of your personal and professional networks and striking the right tone: we can even rewrite your proposal together if that’s what’s needed. I also doctor non-book proposals and have even helped a textile artist secure funding for their project.
Book Coaching
Publishing a book is daunting, and it can be hard to know what to expect (or want) from your experience. Have I found the right agent for my book? How do I even know whom to query (or if traditional publishing is, in fact, the right thing for me)? At what point should I hire an independent publicist or marketer, or are there better ways to use my resources? Is my [editor, agent, publishing team] supposed to be doing that thing they’re doing, and why aren’t they responding to my emails? I’m here to answer these questions (and any others), help you figure out the best path toward publication, coach you through that process, and offer ideas and support along the way.
Query Letter Review
Ah, yes: those 300 words that appear to be standing between you and the rest of your writing career. I’ll shine a light on what you have so far, make sure your writing sample is super polished, and help you position your book in a way that sells and captivates.